26 November, 2012

All things that happen in such a short time...

Flattie's Facts...
"Da Rules for Secret Santa
1. Salary cap of between 15-20 pounds (this may be exceeded if you really like the person who you happened to draw… just remember however that your Secret Santa mightn't be as generous).
2. Presents to be exchanged on Thursday 13th December, if anyone fails to present a gift at this time will be punished by having to sleep in Ed's room for the night, with Ed sleeping in the perpetrators room.
If Ed is said person (the perpetrator), we may each have one cut of his hair (using only kitchen scissors, (cos demz da rules)).
3. If you genuinely have no clue what to purchase for your person, Booze is always welcomed with open arms (whoever has ME, something german wouldn't go amiss!)
And finally,
4. Selection boxes and chocolate coins may only be used to bolster the amount spent on your Secret Santa gift, with your main gift having to exceed 10 pounds.
In other words, don't be a lazy cock face and buy 5 selection boxes as a gift.
Thanks chaps,
Merry Christmas!
Love from,
Chief Director and chair of the Secret Santa Comitee,

"El cuento terminaba diciendo que quien lee nunca muere. Miré al mar y me llevé el revolver a la boca y apreté el gatillo. Se borró hasta el planeta extrasolar gemelo de la Tierra. Pero seguí oyendo a John Lennon en la radio y confirmé que, más allá de la muerte , continuamos viviendo al menos por momentos. Porque continuaba allí, leyendo. Y el cuento parecía diferente, sin final"

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