12 November, 2013


Just because I like to wonder about silly things, playing with words and some other stuff. I have been rambling in the WASP acronym. I find it curious and appealingly paradoxical. Recently to broad my mind to another people and maybe cultures seems to be more rewarding than the mere fact of interacting with other people just for the sake of doing it.
Well, there it goes:


White Anglo-Saxon Protestant
White Anglo-Saxon People
Wireless Application Service Provider
Wiskott-Aldrich Syndrome Protein
(and more technical acronyms)

There's the music band WASP, as well...

And then there’s the old, presumably Jewish joke: WASPs leave and don’t say goodbye, Jews say goodbye and don’t leave. Speaking of what I found this very interesting article about ghosting.

And... I dunno...

We Are Sex Perverts?

Just Ghost.

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